2019年5月8日 星期三

install nginx in custombuild

How to install NginxLast Modified: Jul 11, 2014, 4:28 pm
Nginx is a high performance webserver as a replacement for Apache.
However, the higher performance will come at the cost of a slightly reduced feature set, and requires CustomBuild 2.0, and the php mode to be php-fpm.

To install Nginx:

1) You must have CustomBuild 2.0.  If you do not, upgrade to CustomBuild 2.0
If unsure of which version of CustomBuild you're using, see this guide.

2) You can either run this in step 2 of the CB2 install guide, or do it after. Run the following to set the options.conf to use Nginx and php-fpm:
./build set webserver nginx
./build set php1_mode php-fpm
./build update
./build all d
./build rewrite_confs



如何判斷現在FORM是在 insert mode? 還是 update mode?

只要用  if (empty({primary_key})) 就可以知道是否為新增模式了。 如果 {promary_key} 是空白的,那麼就是在新增模式;反之,就是更新模式。 以上。